Fèt Gede Events!
Sunday, November 7
4pm to 6:30pm
The Fèt Gede celebrations continue at the Cumbe: Center for African and Diaspora Dance!
Monvelyno & Riva Nyri Precil (Gede Wedding) invite you to celebrate Gede season, which spans from the end of October through mid November in Haiti, and can be compared to Mexico's Day of the Dead or the Western tradition of Halloween.
Come celebrate life, fertility, and death with Haiti's raucous Gede spirits through song, dance, and drums.
*Invitees are encouraged to wear black, white, purple, or silver outfits and have props like a cane, dark glasses, and tall black top hat!
Learn more about this event and get your tickets now!
Saturday, November 20
5pm to 1am
Monvelyno & Riva Nyri Precil (Gede Wedding) invite you to celebrate Gede season, which spans from the end of October through mid November in Haiti, and can be compared to Mexico's Day of the Dead or the Western tradition of Halloween.
Enjoy a night of dance performances, live music performances, hot pepper eating contests, special guest artists, intuitive card reading, and more!
This event will include:
Sit down Gede dinner with a specially curated 3 course menu with wine pairing (with VIP ticket purchase) 5-7pm
Gede dance performances
Live Music Performance by Bohio Music
Best Gede (Baron Samdi & Manman Brigitte) Costume Contest
Gede trivia with prizes
Piman/hot pepper eating contest
Special Guest Artists
Intuitive Card Reading
*Attendees are invited to bring an offering to add to the Ancestral Gede Altar.